Legal warning

In compliance with the duty of information contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the URL (hereinafter the PORTAL) is a domain:


CIF: B09576570

Home: Camino de las Bodegas 2, Industrial Warehouse; 09197 Villalbilla De Burgos (Burgos)

Phone: 628 470 059


Registry data: registered in the BURGOS Mercantile Registry, Volume 722, Book 513, Folio 9, Section 8, Page 16701, 1st Inscription, as GESTTA ENVIRONMENTAL, SL (hereinafter THE ENTITY).

This legal notice regulates the conditions of use of the aforementioned Internet portal.

All trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs of any kind that appear on the PORTAL are the property of THE ENTITY or of third parties, without it being understood that the use or access to the site and/or the services, attributes to the user any right over the aforementioned trademarks, trade names and/or distinctive signs.

Likewise, the contents published on the web, its graphic design, images, databases and source code are the intellectual property of THE ENTITY or of third parties, without being understood as transferred to the user, by virtue of the provisions of this Legal Notice, none of the exploitation rights that exist or may exist on said contents beyond what is strictly necessary for the correct use of the PORTAL and the services provided through it.

We remind you that if you are a natural person acting for purposes unrelated to your commercial or business activities, your trade or your profession, you can go to the online dispute resolution platform that can be found at the following link: http ://

Access to this web site is the sole responsibility of the users. Mere access to the PORTAL does not imply any type of commercial relationship between THE ENTITY and the user.


General Conditions of Use


These General Conditions of use of the services offered at the URL (hereinafter the PORTAL), are subscribed by the owner of the domain, GESTTA ENVIRONMENTAL, SL, whose contact email is:

USER is considered to be natural persons with the capacity to validly sign a contract in accordance with the applicable law.

You may not use the Website and may not accept the Terms if:

  • You are not of legal age and cannot enter into a legally binding contract, or
  • It does not cover the quality of USER as stated.



To use the PORTAL, these general conditions (hereinafter, the Conditions) must be accepted, as well as those particular stipulations collected for the use and/or contracting of specific services. Otherwise, the PORTAL must be abandoned.

You may accept the Conditions:

  • By clicking on the acceptance button of the Conditions, when offered this option in the user interface; either
  • Using the website effectively.

The USER is advised to carefully read these conditions. You can save or print them if you wish.



These general conditions will apply to all services/products included on the web

The following documents are understood to be incorporated into these Conditions by referral from them:

  • Legal warning
  • Privacy Policy



The PORTAL presents services open to the entire public that visits it, and restricted services, with exclusive access for currently or subsequently registered USERS.

The use of the services offered on the web site is subject to the prior acceptance and compliance with the Conditions by the USER.

The quality of Registered USER in your case is acquired by completing the Registration Form hosted on the site. The data collected there will form part of THE ENTITY's database, which will use them as described in the Privacy Policy.

Access to the website is free of charge, and use of the website implies unreserved acceptance of all the Conditions of Use. If you do not agree with these conditions, you must refrain from using this page.



The personal data provided through the PORTAL will be processed by THE ENTITY for the purposes described in the conditions contained in the Privacy Policy, which is incorporated into these Conditions of Use by reference from this section.



The personal data collected through cookies will be processed by THE ENTITY in the terms indicated in its Cookies Policy, which is incorporated into these General Conditions by reference from this section.



The services provided by the portal for the majority of users are free and merely informative, so they do not require any action for their cessation, only the mere will of the user not to visit the PORTAL.

Regarding restricted access services, if any, the right of cancellation must be exercised to cease to be part of THE ENTITY's files, following the procedure described in the Privacy Policy.



from the portal:

It will not be responsible, directly or subsidiarily, for:

  • The quality of the service, since they are provided "as is" and THE ENTITY does not grant any guarantee with respect to them.
  • The damages that may be caused to the user's equipment by the use of the portal.
  • The vices and defects of all kinds of the contents transmitted, disseminated, stored or made available.

The ENTITY is responsible for changes in the prices of the products/services it offers and for notifying users/clients in the shortest possible time by personal communication or by updating the contents of the PORTAL.

From the user:

The user/client will be responsible:

  • Of the data and information entered and sent to THE ENTITY in the available forms.
  • From carrying out any type of illegal action, harmful to rights, harmful and / or harmful.



The entirety of this website: text, images, trademarks, graphics, logos, buttons, software files, color combinations, structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of its contents, object and source codes; are the property of THE ENTITY or of third parties, their reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation being prohibited, except for personal and private use, and the USER must respect the provisions of the Legal Notice that appears on the PORTAL, and that is incorporated into the these Conditions by reference from this section. THE ENTITY reserves in any case the exercise of any means or legal actions that correspond to it in defense of its legitimate intellectual and industrial property rights.



The USER undertakes not to reproduce in any way, not even through a hyperlink or hyperlink, the PORTAL, as well as any of its contents, unless expressly authorized in writing by THE ENTITY.

The PORTAL may include links to other web spaces, managed by third parties, in order to facilitate User access to information from collaborating and/or sponsoring companies. Accordingly, THE ENTITY is not responsible for the content of said Web Spaces, nor is it in a position of guarantor or/or party offering the services and/or information that may be offered to third parties through third-party links. .

The USER is granted a limited, revocable and non-exclusive right to create links to the main page of the Web Space exclusively for private and non-commercial use. The Web Spaces that include a link to our PORTAL (i) may not falsify their relationship or affirm that such a link has been authorized, nor include brands, denominations, trade names, logos or other distinctive signs of THE ENTITY; (ii) may not include content that could be considered in bad taste, obscene, offensive, controversial, that incites violence or discrimination based on sex, race or religion, contrary to public order or illegal; (iii) may not link to any page of the Web Space other than the main page; (iv) must link to the address of the Web Space itself, without allowing the Web Space that makes the link to reproduce the Web Space as part of its website or within one of its "frames" or create a "browser" on any of the pages of the Web Space. THE ENTITY may request, at any time, to remove any link to the Web Space, after which it must proceed immediately to remove it.

THE ENTITY cannot control the information, content, products or services provided by other Web Spaces that have established links to the Web Space.



Minors must request and obtain the permission of their parents, guardian or legal representative before being able to access the content hosted on the PORTAL. Access and use of the portal to unauthorized minors is prohibited.

The ENTITY reminds users of legal age who are in charge of minors, that it will be their sole responsibility to determine what services and/or contents are appropriate for the latter; and informs them about the existence of computer programs to limit browsing, by filtering or blocking certain content.



These conditions are written in Spanish, and are subject to current Spanish legislation. For any type of controversy derived from the use of the services offered or the contents of the portal, the parties, with the acceptance of these Conditions, will submit to the competent Courts and Tribunals of the country where GESTTA ENVIRONMENTAL, SL has its registered office (except for its provisions on conflict of laws), expressly excluding the application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. If you are a consumer and you have your habitual residence in the European Union, you will also have the protection that any mandatory provision of the legislation of your country of residence can offer you. Both parties agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Spanish courts, which means that you can claim your rights as a consumer in relation to these Conditions of Use both in Spain and in your Member State of residence in the European Union.



We remind you that if you are a natural person acting for purposes unrelated to your commercial or business activities, your trade or your profession, you can go to the online dispute resolution platform that you can find at the following link:



If any provision of these Conditions is considered invalid or unenforceable, said provision will be eliminated, leaving the rest of the clauses in force. The titles of the sections must be understood for the sole purpose of references, and in no way define, limit, interpret or describe the scope or extension of the corresponding section.