GEStta launches the new used cooking oil recycling service in Burgos "Clean point in your neighborhood community"

GESTTA makes available to Burgos neighborhood communities a new home recycling service, "Clean point in your neighborhood community", installing containers for the recycling of used cooking oil in order to achieve a greater involvement of Burgos society with recycling in a more comfortable and close way.

In this way, the company anticipates 2024, the year in which the recycling of UCO (Used Cooking Oil) in homes will be mandatory, according to Law 7/2022, of April 8, of waste and contaminated soil for a circular economy.

Rodrigo Gutiérrez and Rubén Palacios, managers of GESTTA, have highlighted that with the implementation of this new service "we encourage local recycling in the homes of Burgos residents". “In addition, we inform each community how the container is installed and we explain not only the benefits that recycling the waste entails for the ecosystem, but also the advantages of recycling the oil in their own homes, since it avoids, among other things, traffic jams. in drains and pipes.

It is important to raise awareness in society regarding oil recycling, since currently only 10% is collected from used oil and one liter of oil can contaminate up to 1,000 liters of water.

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